16 January 2012

Women’s Consciousness Workshop & Evening Meditation

Evening meditation: 23.2.2012, (Thurs) : 7.15pm – 9pm
Entrance Fee: SGD$30

Women’s consciousness workshop
~ to nourish your essence of women
Workshop Introduction
Love, blossoms in the heart and live out the true woman.
Because of social identity, the development of modern women often face a masculine independence,
Thus, the intrinsic quality of your perfect female is hidden;
This workshop is a journey for self-love, it invites you to have a new understanding of your first primal beauty, nourishing the  female energy,
Recognize her presence, accept her giving; also recognize your masculine energy, invite both the energy to grow in our reality.
We will practice therapeutic exercises to integrate your male and female energies,
With deep meditation to nourish your female energy,
Learn to read energy,
And meeting the greatest existence towards the end of the journey,
Allow love to flow into your life.

* This is one of the Mahita’s most recent workshops that have gained very good feedback and reputation, those who have attended this workshop find it  rewarding as they are able to connect to their female identity to love themselves and enjoy their life.
* Those who wish to attend Mahita’s workshops and to know your own energy are encouraged to attend this workshop.
* This workshop is healing.
* You will learn energy reading and foundation of psychic.
* Will touch on relationship and self-worthiness topic.
* Upon completion of this workshop, you can proceed to the Angel Healing Workshop in May.
Facilitated by: Mahita Wang
24.2.2012, (Fri): 7.15pm – 9pm
25.2.2012, (Sat): 9.30am – 6pm
26.2.2012, (Sun): 9.30am – 6pm
Couse fees: SGD$720

Early Bird: SGD$620 (save $100 if you enroll by 31.1.2012)
*Bring a friend to attend the Women’s Consciousness Workshop to enjoy a FREE Thursday evening meditation.

Venue: To Be Advised
*All the workshops above are conducted in Chinese but translation from Chinese to English will be provided during the workshops. Language poses no barrier to this healing workshop.
*Please be seated in the class 15 minutes before the class starts.

Payable upon enrollment.
1. Cash payment to Jeverina,  
2. ATM Transfer   
POSB Saving Account # 
Email to notify jeverina@singaporereikilessons.com and retain ATM Receipt as Proof. 

*We regret that there will be no refunds if you decide to withdraw from the workshop.
 However, you can find someone to replace you.

To facilitate the registration process, please contact Jeverina at 97436557.
 Alternatively, you can email:jeverina@singaporereikilessons.com

About Mahita Wang (静蓉老师)

Singapore Reiki Lessons
Mahita Wang is a famous and experience certified Reiki Master and Chinese author from Taiwan. She started her spiritual journey at a very young age. Her self-enquiry of “who am I” began at the age of 16. Once, she attended Master Xu Yun’s Dharma session, and in that session, she had realized her Divine Self. She started publishing her Chinese spiritual books at the age of 22 and has written more than 30 books till now.
Since 1992, she has been facilitating meditation workshops and explored various methods to allow her to helping others more effectively.

In 1995, she has also established Love & Light Reiki Cottage in Taiwan mainly using Reiki and auro-soma healing methods. She studied Usui Reiki with Markland and has been conducting Reiki workshops for 13 years. She has been invited to conduct Reiki workshops and meditation workshops overseas in Malaysia, China and now Singapore.
She has also been trained internationally in esoteric style of energy work, Energy Healing, Intuition, Sufi, Spectrum Acupuncture, Spiritual Painting and other healing methods. In 2002, she met Bert Hellinger and was impressed by his insights. They share the same ideals. Since then, she develops her own healing style, specialized into healing transformation using Reiki, law of attractions, family constellations etc to influence and help people to transform their life, encourage people to go inwards for self-exploration, awaken from the dream-like illusory state.

For over 10 years, Master Mahita Wang’s Reiki healing workshops for inner transformation work has been highly acclaimed and highly influential in Taiwan and Malaysia.

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